Words that end with CE, grouped by length
- counterintelligence
- countersurveillance
- countertransference
- electroluminescence
- photoreconnaissance
- immunofluorescence
- thermoluminescence
- chemiluminescence
- magnetoresistance
- superintelligence
- triboluminescence
- counterinfluence
- immunocompetence
- postindependence
- anticoincidence
- bioluminescence
- counterevidence
- counterfeisance
- counterfesaunce
- counterinstance
- counterviolence
- hypersomnolence
- improvvisatrice
- interdependence
- misintelligence
- nonindependence
- noninterference
- omnibenevolence
- phosphorescence
- preacquaintance
- reconvalescence
- subintelligence
- superconfidence
- superexcellence
- superincumbence
- superintendence
- thermoremanence
- videoconference
- circumambience
- colliquescence
- condescendence
- correspondence
- counterbalance
- discontinuance
- discountenance
- disencumbrance
- disinheritance
- electromotance
- electrovalence
- equiponderance
- exacerbescence
- grandiloquence
- hypervigilance
- insignificance
- interinfluence
- interlocutrice
- intransigeance
- misgovernaunce
- noncoincidence
- nonconcurrence
- nonconformance
- nonequivalence
- nonperformance
- omnicompetence
- overcompliance
- overconfidence
- overdependence
- overindulgence
- photoluminesce
- postexperience
- preadolescence
- preperformance
- quinquevalence
- reacquaintance
- reconnaissance
- reconnoissance
- rejuvenescence
- superabundance
- teleconference
- unacquaintance
- unintelligence
- adularescence
- appertainance
- bancassurance
- birefringence
- centrifugence
- circumference
- circumfluence
- clairaudience
- coinheritance
- concupiscence
- consenescence
- constringence
- contabescence
- convalescence
- defervescence
- deliquescence
- disaffirmance
- disappearance
- dispurveyance
- effervescence
- efflorescence
- impercipience
- incandescence
- inconsequence
- inconsistence
- inconvenience
- inflorescence
- ingravescence
- insufficience
- intercurrence
- intermittence
- intransigence
- jurisprudence
- magniloquence
- misadvertence
- misobservance
- multiloquence
- multipresence
- nonacceptance
- nonappearance
- nonattendance
- noncompliance
- nonconference
- nonconfidence
- nonobservance
- nonoccurrence
- nonresistance
- outrecuidance
- overabundance
- overdominance
- overinsurance
- pluripresence
- postemergence
- preponderance
- prepubescence
- pseudoscience
- quadrivalence
- quantivalence
- recalcitrance
- recrudescence
- redeliverance
- somnambulance
- somniloquence
- subappearance
- supereminence
- supervenience
- thermobalance
- thoroughbrace
- transcendence
- transmittance
- transportance
- ultradistance
- ultraviolence
- vraisemblance
- acquaintance
- acquiescence
- alkalescence
- antiviolence
- appurtenance
- arborescence
- assemblaunce
- belligerence
- calorescence
- chimneypiece
- circumstance
- clairvoyance
- codependence
- complaisance
- concomitance
- concrescence
- consentience
- considerance
- counterbrace
- counterforce
- decalescence
- delitescence
- detumescence
- disallowance
- disobedience
- displeasance
- dissemblance
- dissentience
- disseverance
- emollescence
- equidistance
- equipollence
- ethnoscience
- extravagance
- fluorescence
- frondescence
- frontispiece
- glaucescence
- happenchance
- happenstance
- hypersurface
- impermanence
- impertinence
- improvidence
- inabstinence
- inadvertence
- incalescence
- incognisance
- incognizance
- incompetence
- incompliance
- incongruence
- inconsonance
- incontinence
- indehiscence
- independence
- indifference
- inexpedience
- inexperience
- inobservance
- insomnolence
- intelligence
- intemperance
- interference
- interfluence
- interservice
- intumescence
- irresistance
- juvenescence
- lapidescence
- luminescence
- magnificence
- mellifluence
- microbalance
- mispronounce
- misreference
- mountenaunce
- multiscience
- multiservice
- multivalence
- neuroscience
- noctilucence
- nonexistence
- noninfluence
- noninsurance
- nonresidence
- obliviscence
- obmutescence
- obsolescence
- omnipresence
- outreproduce
- overissuance
- overreliance
- pearlescence
- perseverance
- phosphoresce
- plenipotence
- preassurance
- precipitance
- preclearance
- predominance
- preemergence
- preexistence
- preheminence
- preordinance
- protuberance
- pulverulence
- quintessence
- readmittance
- reappearance
- recalescence
- recognisance
- recognizance
- reconveyance
- reexperience
- reminiscence
- remonstrance
- reoccurrence
- resipiscence
- resplendence
- retrocedence
- revivescence
- reviviscence
- significance
- subintroduce
- subreference
- subservience
- supersedence
- surveillance
- telepresence
- transference
- transhumance
- transilience
- translucence
- transparence
- unacceptance
- undersurface
- unimportance
- unobservance
- unrepentance
- vaporescence
- viridescence
- virilescence
- abscondence
- absorptance
- accrescence
- acquittance
- adolescence
- aleggeaunce
- ambivalence
- antecedence
- antiscience
- armipotence
- assemblance
- astringence
- attractance
- battlepiece
- beneficence
- benevolence
- candescence
- capacitance
- captivaunce
- centerpiece
- centrepiece
- chrominance
- coalescence
- codominance
- coexistence
- coincidence
- coinherence
- coinsurance
- comeuppance
- commonplace
- compearance
- complacence
- comportance
- concordance
- concurrence
- conductance
- conferrence
- conformance
- connascence
- consequence
- consilience
- consistence
- contingence
- continuance
- contradance
- contredance
- contrivance
- convenience
- convergence
- conversance
- coordinance
- cotransduce
- countenance
- counterpace
- decoherence
- decrescence
- deliverance
- despondence
- discordance
- discrepance
- disentrance
- dissilience
- disturbance
- emparlaunce
- encumbrance
- equibalance
- equivalence
- erubescence
- evanescence
- everywhence
- excrescence
- exorbitance
- flamboyance
- flittermice
- flocculence
- florescence
- forbearance
- forbiddance
- fraudulence
- fremescence
- frutescence
- furtherance
- illuminance
- impenitence
- impuissance
- inappetence
- incoherence
- incumbrance
- ineloquence
- inexistence
- infrequence
- inhabitance
- inheritance
- inobedience
- insentience
- insouciance
- interoffice
- intolerance
- iridescence
- irrelevance
- irreverence
- lactescence
- letterspace
- liquescence
- maintenance
- maleficence
- malevolence
- malfeasance
- malpractice
- mantelpiece
- marcescence
- marketplace
- masterpiece
- mesalliance
- misalliance
- miscreaunce
- misfeasance
- misguidance
- monovalence
- mountenance
- multisource
- munificence
- nigrescence
- nonchalance
- nonevidence
- nonfeasance
- nonsentence
- nonviolence
- omnificence
- omnipotence
- omniscience
- opalescence
- outdistance
- overbalance
- overproduce
- overservice
- pallescence
- parascience
- percipience
- performance
- permittance
- perpetuance
- persistence
- perturbance
- photoreduce
- polyvalence
- postdivorce
- postponence
- preannounce
- preaudience
- precognosce
- preeminence
- prepollence
- presentence
- prevenience
- proficience
- provenience
- putrescence
- reassurance
- reemergence
- reflectance
- refringence
- regredience
- reinsurance
- reintroduce
- rejuvenesce
- remembrance
- renaissance
- resemblance
- respondence
- spinescence
- spumescence
- stridulance
- stringpiece
- suballiance
- submergence
- subsentence
- subsequence
- subsistence
- sufficience
- superinduce
- supportance
- susceptance
- telescience
- torpescence
- transpierce
- turgescence
- vitrescence
- vociferance
- abhorrence
- absorbance
- abstinence
- acceptance
- accomplice
- accordance
- admiraunce
- admittance
- advertence
- affirmance
- afterpiece
- albescence
- allegeance
- allegiance
- altarpiece
- alternance
- antichoice
- antipolice
- appearance
- applesauce
- apprentice
- approvance
- ascendance
- ascendence
- assistance
- attendance
- bienseance
- bioscience
- birthplace
- breakdance
- brilliance
- broadpiece
- calescence
- canescence
- cantatrice
- captivance
- chatoyance
- cheekpiece
- chesspiece
- chevisance
- circumduce
- cockatrice
- cognisance
- cognizance
- competence
- compliance
- condolence
- conference
- confidence
- confluence
- congruence
- connivance
- connivence
- conscience
- consonance
- continence
- convalesce
- convenance
- conveyance
- copresence
- corpulence
- covariance
- crapulence
- crawlspace
- crosspiece
- crownpiece
- cyberspace
- decumbence
- defeasance
- deficience
- dehiscence
- deliquesce
- dentifrice
- dependance
- dependence
- desipience
- desistance
- desistence
- detergence
- deterrence
- difference
- diffidence
- directrice
- disadvance
- disavaunce
- disservice
- dissidence
- dissonance
- divergence
- divulgence
- ebullience
- effervesce
- efficience
- effloresce
- effulgence
- eightpence
- emollience
- everyplace
- excellence
- expectance
- expedience
- experience
- exuberance
- fatiscence
- fieldpiece
- flatulence
- geoscience
- governance
- grandniece
- habitaunce
- hinderance
- hydrospace
- hyperspace
- immergence
- immittance
- imparlance
- impatience
- impendence
- importance
- imprudence
- incandesce
- incipience
- incurrence
- indignance
- inductance
- indulgence
- inelegance
- insipience
- insistence
- insurgence
- intendance
- interspace
- interstice
- invariance
- irradiance
- jouysaunce
- jovysaunce
- latescence
- luxuriance
- malignance
- misbalance
- miscreance
- monstrance
- mousepiece
- mouthpiece
- multipiece
- munifience
- negligence
- nightpiece
- nonscience
- nurturance
- observance
- occurrence
- ordonnance
- outbalance
- outproduce
- overglance
- overoffice
- penetrance
- perdurance
- permanence
- pertinence
- pestilence
- ponderance
- precedence
- preference
- prefinance
- prepotence
- prescience
- preservice
- prevalence
- procidence
- procurance
- profluence
- prominence
- provenance
- providence
- pubescence
- puissaunce
- pulsatance
- purtenance
- purveyance
- quiescence
- recipience
- recommence
- recompence
- reconvince
- recrudesce
- recumbence
- recurrence
- redundance
- reentrance
- refulgence
- reiterance
- reluctance
- remittance
- remittence
- renascence
- repellance
- repellence
- aberrance
- abondance
- abundance
- accedence
- accidence
- acescence
- acquiesce
- adherence
- adjacence
- admirance
- aerospace
- affluence
- agrodolce
- allowance
- ambulance
- amenaunce
- annoyance
- appetence
- appliance
- armistice
- arrivance
- arrogance
- assonance
- assurance
- aviatrice
- avoidance
- backpiece
- backspace
- bivalence
- blackface
- calavance
- caravance
- chalkface
- cicatrice
- clearance
- clogdance
- cofinance
- coherence
- coproduce
- covalence
- cowardice
- cumbrance
- dalliance
- decadence
- decheance
- deference
- desinence
- diligence
- divalence
- dominance
- doughface
- downforce
- ecommerce
- efference
- effluence
- elastance
- eloquence
- emergence
- emittance
- emulgence
- endurance
- esperance
- esurience
- existence
- exultance
- faineance
- falseface
- feculence
- fieldmice
- fireplace
- fivepence
- flagrance
- fluoresce
- fortalice
- fourpence
- fragrance
- freelance
- frequence
- grievance
- hairpiece
- halfpence
- headpeace
- headpiece
- headspace
- heelpiece
- hemispace
- hesitance
- hindrance
- homeplace
- horserace
- ignorance
- imbalance
- immanence
- imminence
- impedance
- impotence
- impudence
- incidence
- indigence
- indolence
- inference
- influence
- inherence
- injustice
- innocence
- inscience
- insolence
- insurance
- interface
- interlace
- interrace
- introduce
- intumesce
- jouisance
- jubilance
- kneepiece
- landforce
- lightface
- liquorice
- loadspace
- luminance
- luminesce
- mainbrace
- manurance
- meatspace
- militance
- misadvice
- mischance
- mischoice
- mumchance
- naissance
- neckpiece
- nescience
- ninepence
- nonpolice
- nosepiece
- obedience
- obeisance
- obsolesce
- occupance
- omittance
- ordinance
- oscitance
- outlaunce
- outoffice
- outsource
- overprice
- oversauce
- overspice
- penitence
- perchance
- permeance
- petulance
- pigsconce
- pleasance
- poignance
- pontifice
- precipice
- pregnance
- prejudice
- prochoice
- pronounce
- prurience
- puissance
- pursuance
- purulence
- quittance
- reactance
- readvance
- rebalance
- recalesce
- recreance
- recusance
- redivorce
- redolence
- reembrace
- reenforce
- reference
- refinance
- refluence
- reinforce
- relevance
- remanence
- reminisce
- renitence
- reproduce
- rerebrace
- reservice
- residence
- resonance
- resurface
- reticence
- reverence
- sacrifice
- saliaunce
- satisfice
- securance
- semblance
- sentience
- severance
- abeyance
- abidance
- acutance
- adamance
- affiance
- airspace
- alliance
- allspice
- ambiance
- ambience
- amorance
- announce
- anyplace
- apothece
- artifice
- audience
- bechance
- benefice
- boldface
- bongrace
- boniface
- booklice
- bootlace
- brattice
- brettice
- brisance
- buoyance
- carapace
- clarence
- clubface
- coalesce
- coalface
- codpiece
- cognosce
- commence
- commerce
- compesce
- complice
- convince
- coprince
- credence
- crepance
- defiance
- denounce
- deviance
- disgrace
- dispeace
- dispence
- displace
- distance
- earpiece
- effierce
- elegance
- eminence
- empierce
- enfierce
- ensconce
- entrance
- evanesce
- evidence
- exigence
- exitance
- eyepiece
- feasance
- fippence
- florence
- footpace
- footrace
- foreface
- fullface
- gentrice
- guidance
- halfpace
- hardface
- headrace
- insconce
- instance
- intrince
- issuance
- iterance
- jaundice
- laitance
- landrace
- lenience
- licorice
- liquesce
- logjuice
- malefice
- mergence
- midspace
- millrace
- misplace
- misprice
- misspace
- mistrace
- moonface
- nascence
- necklace
- nondance
- nowhence
- nuisance
- oncomice
- opalesce
- opulence
- ordnance
- outdance
- outfence
- outplace
- outprice
- outrance
- outvoice
- overnice
- paleface
- parlance
- pastance
- patience
- perforce
- piquance
- pittance
- populace
- portance
- postface
- postrace
- poultice
- practice
- prentice
- preplace
- preprice
- presence
- preslice
- pretence
- province
- prudence
- pungence
- radiance
- rearmice
- reedmace
- reinduce
- reliance
- renforce
- renounce
- reremice
- resiance
- resource
- resplice
- riddance
- salience
- sapience
- seapiece
- semplice
- sentence
- sequence
- sesterce
- shoelace
- sithence
- sixpence
- solstice
- sortance
- subspace
- surplice
- suspence
- symploce
- tadvance
- tailrace
- tangence
- tendance
- tendence
- tenpence
- thridace
- ticklace
- toepiece
- tuppence
- twopence
- typeface
- unsluice
- valiance
- vambrace
- variance
- vergence
- verjuice
- vibrance
- violence
- voidance
- wheyface
- woodlice
- woodmice
- absence
- advance
- afforce
- aggrace
- aidance
- ambsace
- amesace
- anelace
- anglice
- asconce
- askance
- attonce
- auspice
- avarice
- balance
- barrace
- bedunce
- berbice
- bespice
- bullace
- byplace
- caddice
- cadence
- caprice
- catface
- chalice
- chaunce
- cogence
- conduce
- coppice
- cornice
- creance
- crevice
- defence
- deforce
- dehisce
- devoice
- dispace
- divorce
- dogface
- dormice
- durance
- edifice
- efforce
- embrace
- emperce
- emplace
- enforce
- engrace
- enhance
- enounce
- essence
- factice
- faience
- fayence
- finance
- flounce
- fluence
- frounce
- furnace
- grimace
- hospice
- inforce
- inherce
- invoice
- joyance
- justice
- latence
- lattice
- lettuce
- licence
- lucence
- matrice
- morrice
- mortice
- noplace
- nourice
- noyance
- offence
- oporice
- orifice
- outface
- outpace
- outrace
- patonce
- penance
- pentice
- pigface
- pinnace
- potence
- praunce
- preface
- prepuce
- prerace
- produce
- proface
- quiesce
- rebrace
- refence
- regence
- rejoice
- replace
- reprice
- respace
- retrace
- revoice
- romance
- science
- service
- silence
- sonance
- statice
- subduce
- subrace
- suffice
- surance
- surface
- tappice
- terrace
- titmice
- traduce
- trounce
- tumesce
- unbrace
- unfence
- uniface
- unplace
- untrace
- unvoice
- urgence
- usaunce
- vacance
- valance
- valence
- vendace
- abduce
- adduce
- advice
- alerce
- allice
- almuce
- amerce
- amorce
- anlace
- apiece
- belace
- biface
- bodice
- bounce
- chance
- choice
- cilice
- coerce
- comice
- deduce
- deface
- delice
- device
- efface
- egence
- elance
- embace
- enface
- enlace
- enrace
- entice
- evince
- fiance
- fierce
- fleece
- glance
- greece
- griece
- induce
- inlace
- jaunce
- jounce
- launce
- malice
- menace
- notice
- novice
- nuance
- office
- orrice
- palace
- paunce
- pawnce
- pearce
- pierce
- plaice
- police
- pomace
- poonce
- pounce
- prance
- preace
- prince
- pumice
- quince
- reduce
- reface
- relace
- rosace
- rounce
- rubace
- scarce
- sconce
- seance
- searce
- seduce
- sluice
- solace
- source
- spence
- splice
- spruce
- stance
- tenace
- thence
- thrice
- tierce
- trance
- unlace
- usance
- vaunce
- veloce
- vivace
- whence
- amice
- apace
- bocce
- bonce
- brace
- bunce
- chace
- dance
- deice
- deuce
- dolce
- douce
- drice
- dunce
- educe
- farce
- fence
- force
- glace
- grace
- grece
- grice
- gryce
- hance
- hence
- juice
- lance
- mince
- nance
- niece
- nonce
- ounce
- pance
- peace
- peece
- pence
- perce
- piece
- place
- ponce
- price
- punce
- rance
- recce
- saice
- sauce
- since
- slice
- sonce
- souce
- sowce
- space
- spice
- terce
- trace
- trice
- truce
- twice
- voice
- wince
- yince
- ance
- bice
- dace
- dice
- duce
- ecce
- face
- fice
- fyce
- lace
- lice
- luce
- mace
- mice
- nice
- once
- pace
- pice
- puce
- race
- rice
- sice
- syce
- tace
- tice
- unce
- vice
- wice
- ace
- ice